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How to Read a Food Label

Written by Khaya Msikinya. Whether you're embarking on a general health and wellness, weight loss, muscle gain, or any other sort of...

Mindful Eating

Eating mindfully is a total buzz phrase right now. But what does it really mean? And particularly what does it really mean for those of...

To Breakfast or Not to Breakfast

For years, fitness professionals have been saying, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” and directing us to “Eat small...

Drinking & Training Responsibly

So, I’m not here to tell you to stop drinking. That would be an outrage, given that happy hours offer such great prices on drinks. What I...

Tight Hip Muscles

Many typical workout routines completely neglect exercises that strengthen and improve flexibility around the hip joint. This leads to...

Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

'Tis the season, right?! The season for #winterbod. We're all trying to avoid holiday weight gain this time of year. Lots of relatives =...

Water Retention & Exercise

If you’ve been tracking your calorie deficit and crushing every workout yet you still aren’t as shredded as that jacked guy or as lean as...

Can you "Cheat on" your Food?

"The trap I see people fall into again and again is the notion of 'cheating' on their food. Related to this is the notion of having a...

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